
This book has only been possible because of the assistance of many.

My life is dedicated to the service of God.  When I’ve experienced the darkness and despair of depression, my very own valley of the shadow of death, He was there, comforting me and guiding me.

To my wife Sharon, for being the only person in the world who truly knows me - and is still married to me anyway.  Her support enabled me to do the hundreds of hours of research and writing, usually in the middle of the night and on weekends, so without her, this book wouldn’t have been possible.

To my boys, Lachlan and Alex, you’ve taught me more about myself in the last nine years than I ever discovered in the preceding thirty-one.  I love you both so much.  To Mum and Dad, you continue to be role models of dedication, to God and to family.  To my sisters, Mel and Nic, for their encouragement and counsel.  My brother Adam, I never laugh as much as when I’m with you.

Special thanks go to Dr Michelle Garnett, Ps Peter Howlett, Danielle Fioretti and Michael Wilkinson for their constructive feedback on the manuscript. 

And finally, to every patient that I have seen over the last twenty years -  I’ve learnt more from you than I did from all of the boring lectures and tutorials I ever went to.  Little by little, day by day, you have taught me the science of diagnostics, the art of medicine, and the value of life.

About the author

Dr C. Edward Pitt is a full time GP* and spare-time writer.  He lives and works in the northern suburbs of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.  He is way too busy.

He has been studying and working in the medical profession since 1992.  In that time he has gained the qualifications of MBBS (UQ) and the FRACGP.  He spent a number of years in hospital paediatrics before getting sick of shift-work and moving into General Practice.  Since attaining his GP Fellowship in 2005, he has gained experience in many and varied areas of medicine including Skin Cancer Medicine, Cosmetic Medicine, Aged Care, Sexual Health and Family Planning, and is a regular question writer and examiner for the Royal Australian College of General Practice.

In the early 2000’s, he was a regular writer for a nationally published Christian magazine, “Alive”, and he published his first book in 2009, “Stress Out” (, now in it’s second edition.

He is also a husband, father to two rambunctious small boys, coffee connoisseur, try-hard leg spinner, amateur actor and a terrible dancer.

Whatever time he has left, he usually wastes it on Facebook!

(* GP is short for General Practitioner, also known as a Family Physician in some parts of the world)


© 2014 Dr C. Edward Pitt/Pitt Medical Trust

All rights reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior permission of the publisher.  Requests for permission should be directed to, or in writing to Pitt Medical Trust, PO Box 33, North Lakes Q 4509 Australia

Author: Dr C. Edward Pitt

Edition: 1st

Published by Pitt Medical Trust

The information contained in this book is general in nature.  It does not constitute individual medical advice.  Any information contained in this book should be discussed with the reader’s treating physician before implementation as part of the reader’s individual medical care, and any use of the information contained in this book is at the user’s discretion.   The author/publisher specifically disclaim any and all liability that may arise either directly or indirectly from the use of, or application of information from, or the interpretation of information from, this work.